“RIIING, RING!” We’re switching things up for this episode of Deadly Choices Radio! Your host and guests are all making a deadly choice for their health and their community by social distancing! So listen in on Lizzie yarning up with Dr Jonathan Leitch on the line to get your update on COVID-19 with the right info and tips and tricks to fight it.

Doc also breaks it down nice and easy for us on “flattening the curve”, the new processes implemented in AMS’s and how to access health services from home. DC Ambassador and former league legend Steve Renouf joins us from the office and DC Fit Coordinator David McLaughlin joins us from his back porch to tell us about DC Fit’s online resources underway to use at home and other stuff we can do inside or in the yard to stay physically and mentally fit.


Steve Renouf
Lizzie Orley
Dr Jonathan Leitch
David McLaughlin